sync each other between two CentOS Linux Server

I have two PHP web server,now I need load balance,so I must keep web files all the same.

many ways I found,for example sshfs,rsync.

when sshfs I choosed,I found that the disk IO is slow.because two web server use one web files,the web files are shared by one of the servers by LAN.

rsync is not suited here.because I need the two servers can sync data to each other automotically,obvious,rsync just sync data from one to another,it is not I want.

finally,I found lsyncd and choose it.

it can sync data to each other automotically,that is I need.


firefox书签加密扩展插件——Link Password


黑色自由本人使用的是firefox4.0,通过firefox sync扩展在公司和我的小本子上同步书签,so,你懂的,有部分书签就不想被别人看到。对于拆硬盘、挂光驱进PE的法子,估计也只有把书签加密起来才能应对了。或者,firefox有新的实时查询的书签扩展,不在本地保留,那就更好了。

于是乎,我找到了Link Password这个扩展,AES加密,加密后的书签以cryptlink://的形式存在,可以对单个书签加密,也可以对整个文件夹目录加密,再把加密后的书签同步到公司电脑上,拆硬盘、挂光驱进PE就都是浮云了。